Recreation District #1 is pleased to offer
"The Pines” Disc Golf Course at Pelican Park.
Disc golf is played much like traditional golf. Instead of a ball and clubs, players use a flying disc, or Frisbee®. The sport was formalized in the 1970's, and shares with "ball golf" the object of completing each hole in the fewest number of strokes. A golf disc is thrown from a tee area to a target which is the "hole", an elevated metal basket. As a player progresses down the fairway, he or she must make each consecutive shot from the spot where the previous throw has landed. The trees, shrubs, and terrain changes located in and around the fairways provide challenging obstacles for the golfer. Disc golf can be played by all ages. Disc golf usually is played just for fun but there are also tournaments for those desiring competition.
The course is located at the north end of the Park in the tree areas starting next to the Gold Complex Parking Lot. (See Map below) The course is open for first come, first serve play except when rented for tournaments.
To allow District Residents the opportunity to try out The Pines Disc Golf Course at Pelican Park, the Park has discs available for loan to District Residents. Disc Golf is a great sport for families to play together. Players must present a drivers license confirming District residency.
There is no fee to use the equipment; however, players will be charged $10 per disc, if equipment is not returned.
Discs can be checked out at the following locations:
Monday through Thursday, 8am-6pm & Friday, 8am-5pm
Questions or Problems regarding Disc Golf?
Call our office during weekday hours at: 985-626-7997.
Call Facility Staff during nights and weekends 985-966-6645.

Disc Golf Rules/ Terminology
GENERAL - Disc golf is played like ball golf using a flying disc. One stroke is counted each time the disc is thrown and when a penalty is incurred. The object is to acquire the lowest score.
TEE THROWS - Tee Throws must be completed within or behind the designated tee area. (*DON’T THROW UNTIL THE PLAYERS IN FRONT OF YOU ARE OUT OF RANGE.)
LIE - The spot where the previous throw landed, mark with a mini disc or turn over the thrown disc, directly towards the hole or mando.
THROWING ORDER - After teeing-off, the player whose disc is farthest from the hole always throws first. The player with the least amount of throws on the previous hole is the first to tee-off on the next hole.
FAIRWAY THROWS - The throw must be made with both feet behind the disc (or mini marker). A run-up and normal follow-through, after release, is allowed.
MANDO (mandatory) - A mando is one or more designated trees or poles in the fairway that must be passed AS INDICATED BY ARROWS. Until the mando is passed, the closest foot to the mando must be on the lie when the disc is released. Failure to pass the mando results in a 1 stroke penalty.
COMPLETION OF HOLE - A disc that comes to rest in the basket or chains constitutes successful completion of that hole.
UNPLAYABLE LIE - Any disc that comes to rest above the ground is considered an unplayable lie. The disc must be thrown from the new lie on the ground, directly underneath the unplayable lie. No penalty exist for such a shot.
COURSE COURTESY - Please pick up trash, help new players play by the rules. You are the one that makes it work. Be sure to be aware of Park pedestrians and to be clear of all potential risks before take the shot. Yell “fore” loudly to warn a pedestrian if the disc seems to be coming close.
